Our mission is to deliver net zero solutions and lowest cost of energy, supporting local content and equality

zhero is a focused developer of green and clean energy projects, such as renewables, H2 and derivatives, interconnections, energy storage and repurposing. We are a super agile energy disruptor team, with native AI embedded approach, lead by a world class purpose-driven team with outstanding origination and execution track record, and a true commitment to contributing to net zero.

Meet the Team

  • Marco Alverà

    Co-Founder & CEO


  • Paddy Padmanathan

    Co-Founder & Vice Chairman


  • Alessandra Pasini

    Co-Founder & President


  • Enrico Vitali



Talking about us

Alessandra on how CFOs can support energy transition

Paddy’s interview about H2

PPWS (Put the Panels Where It’s Sunny) means to leverage on countries that enjoy best irradiation conditions for the most competitive renewables production (and H2/H2 derivatives).
Investing in RES capacity in regions with high irradiation, such as Africa, can have a number of benefits:

  • For each $1bn invested there could be c 2TWh of power produced (or 2x Germany)

  • For countries with a fossil production RES production could free up gas export. C. 2TWh of power produced could free up c. 0,4bcm per annum of gas.